Services you offer


The Yoga of Force

Health benefits include improved flexibility, strength, relaxation, and stress reduction;

it may help manage conditions like hypertension and chronic pain.


The Breath Regulation

Health benefits include enhanced respiratory function, stress relief, and improved mental clarity;

it may aid in managing conditions such as asthma and anxiety disorders.


The Union of the Eight Limbs of Yoga

Health benefits include increased strength, flexibility, stamina, and mental focus;

it may contribute to managing anxiety and improving cardiovascular health.


Slow-Paced Style of Yoga

Health benefits include deep relaxation, increased flexibility, joint mobility, and balancing the body's energy systems;

it may help with managing stress-related disorders and enhancing overall well-being.


Dynamic Style of Yoga

Yang yoga offers a dynamic and active approach to yoga practice that supports physical fitness, mental clarity, and holistic well-being.

it may help with mental well-being & Cardiovascular Health.



Meditation helps by promoting relaxation & reducing stress through focused attention & mindfulness practices, ultimately fostering emotional balance and mental clarity.

it may cultivate a sense of inner peace and well-being.


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